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Package 5: Feel to Heal — Life After Loss Retreat

Package 5: Feel to Heal—Life after Loss Retreat

  • The Feel to Heal Retreat is all about emotional healing from loss and trauma—grief, divorce, being laid off, recovery from a tragedy. There really is no way out but through…but once you have gone through the eye of the needle you will come out the other side to live, love and laugh again.

We promise you that underneath your pain, joy is trapped just waiting to be unleashed. We will lovingly guide you back to life after loss.

Day One: Arrive and get settled in your private accommodations

Day Two

8:30-11:00 Beach Walk Orientation

A practitioner-guided walk along one of Maui’s most beautiful beaches! A beautiful way to get oriented to Maui and your retreat, while greeting the day and being caressed by the soft saltwater breezes of Maui’s beautiful North Shore. Time for self-guided walks on your own can also be added to your itinerary. In this session you will be introduced to the retreat experience, explained the process of personal growth and change, guided to set your intentions and to begin the process of letting go of that which is no longer serving you. You will be introduced to the personal growth principles that will quicken your understanding and deepen your experience.

11:00-1:00 Lunch on your own

(Meal time also offers time to walk the Labyrinth and Journal and do offered exercises on your own)

1:00-4:00 Insight to Self, Six Essential Life Skills and Introduction to Labyrinth

During this session we explore a deep understanding of the human spirit and the ego mind, and tools for accessing our authentic essence, inner wisdom and sense of self-esteem. It seems that sense self-esteem diminishes over time such that by the time we are young adults many of us are essentially crippled by our negative self-talk, lack of confidence and the unconscious manipulative behaviors that ensue. This session will deepen your understanding and compassion for the human experience, provide a clear understanding of the ego’s misguided attempts to protect us and teach you how to turn your self-esteem around. This session will both deepen your understanding of yourself, and anyone else you are in relationship with. This will begin-or strengthen- the journey of self-love and authenticity, which is the first ingredient to a harmonious, sustainable relationship. The Six Essential Life Skills should be a part of everyone’s personal practice for accessing wisdom, making decisions and aligning our behavior with our goals. Whether applied to relationships, work or simply one’s personal well-being, mastering these essential skills allow you to master yourself. The labyrinth is a perfect setting to practice the essential life skills, experience self-discovery and practice self-mastery.

While many understand the labyrinth as a walking mediation, the labyrinth is actually a rich field of metaphor for deeply understanding ourselves. The winding path offers a mirror into which we can see ourselves and a blue-print for understanding the human spirit. Through a mix of information, a deepening perspective, the labyrinth walk and journaling processes, this promises to be a powerful experience.

4:30-6:00 Hawaiian Healing Massage

Intuitive massage designed to release tension and emotions held in your body and leave you feeling uplifted and relaxed. Our practitioners utilize a variety of modalities to thoroughly meet your needs. This session will relax you, pamper you and guide you…

**Dinner on your own

Day Three

Time for a beach walk or labyrinth walk or relaxing morning

10:00-11:30 Transformative Yoga (Any of our movement sessions can be substituted)

Our bodies create holding patterns due to stress, trauma, hidden emotions, and/or unconscious habits.  Transformative yoga is an opportunity to notice where we have pain, blockages and tension, while receiving the support needed to move toward an optimally functioning body, a harmonious mind, and a greater spiritual connection. This one-on-one session can accommodate anyone at any level of yoga practice using props and modifications as needed.  When approached in this safe, intentional way, yoga is a powerful path to healing through self-awareness, conscious breathing and emotional release.

11:30-1:00 lunch

1:00-3:00 Body Rebalancing and Healing Guidance

Our bodies come equipped with energy centers—and when they are aligned and balanced they hum and vibrate in unison supporting our wellness—both physically and emotionally. When they get out of sync, things can get more challenging. Our bodies also hold emotional energy from past experiences. Once we become aware of the messages our bodies are sending us, we can begin the journey to help heal any stored angst or grief. This session is designed to awaken, open, activate, balance and align the chakras to work in perfect harmony.

The practitioner uses semi-precious gemstones and crystals and aromatherapy combined with relaxation, energy medicine and intuitive insight to restore balance to your body, mind and spirit. 

11:00-12:30 Lunch and relaxation

3:30-5:00 Cellular Realignment for Emotional Freedom

Do you know what it’s like to live from peace/freedom?

Specific traumatic events, even seemingly smalls ones, can leave our mind, body and spirit in a state of fight-or-flight. Beyond that they trigger our subconscious mind in to making choices based out of fear and survival, keeping us from seeing the beauty and possibilities around us. We may have lived with the trauma for so long we don’t know how incredible it will feel to operate with out it. With loving guidance go deep to meet the trauma you carry, and re-program it mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally.  Then open up and see with new eyes.

 Day Four

Free morning to sleep in, work on the farm or go for a beach walk or labyrinth walk.

10:00-12:00 Awakening Your Aloha

In the opening sessions, you will deepen your understanding of the difference between the ego-mind and the spirit…in the session you will experientially be introduced to your higher self and develop a practice for accessing that part of your being. Aloha is commonly taught as meaning “hello,” “goodbye” and “love,” however its even deeper meaning is the sharing of the “Ha” or the breath of life—our Mana or Spirit with others. Our practitioners have a large tool belt to share with you and will guide you into the loving arms of your own soul so that you can feel who you really are. This knowing will guide you back to your own Spirit’s wisdom time and time again.

12:00-1:30 Lunch/free time

3:00-5:00 Messages from the Other Side (if grief from death is not your issue, this session can be substituted.)

If you are dealing with grief from loss through death, a session with Vivie can answer questions, assist you in communicating with your loved ones, and will help you realize that they are not, actually, gone. Our loved ones are trying to send us messages all the time and we need to learn to tune in.

Day Five

9:00-11:00 Transforming Anger into Understanding
 and Discovering the Beauty of Fear

Anger is a challenging part of every relationship, but when lacking in understanding, can also be its downfall. This session will deepen your understanding of the emotions underlying anger, and how to transcend the ego to realign your words, thoughts and actions with the harmonious relationships that you are trying to create. While anger and fear plague us all, can destroy relationships or stop them from happening, You will learn how to reframe anger and fear, embrace them and learn to see them as the guideposts to what you treasure.

11:00-1:00 Lunch

1:00-3:00 Releasing Issues in Your Tissues (Let Go and Be Free may be substituted depending on your situation)

 Get deep, direct access to your specific issues. Our approach bypasses your mind’s resistance to go into the calm eye of your emotional hurricane – where healing happens. You only need a willingness to explore within. Often 1-2 sessions give dramatic results. This work is a sophisticated blend of many bodywork and healing modalities, intuitively orchestrated. Each session is unique.

Day Six

8:00-9:30 Transformative Yoga (Any of our movement sessions can be substituted)

Our bodies create holding patterns due to stress, trauma, hidden emotions, and/or unconscious habits.  Transformative yoga is an opportunity to notice where we have pain, blockages and tension, while receiving the support needed to move toward an optimally functioning body, a harmonious mind, and a greater spiritual connection. This one-on-one session can accommodate anyone at any level of yoga practice using props and modifications as needed.  When approached in this safe, intentional way, yoga is a powerful path to healing through self-awareness, conscious breathing and emotional release.

10:00-12:00 Journaling with your Higher Self

We all have intuition and are all receiving guidance all the time. However, it is easy to dismiss as “just a thought.” This session will guide you to bypass the negativity and doubt of the ego-mind to access your inner wisdom and guidance in writing! Ask questions, get the answers in your journal directly from the source—your own soul.

12:00-1:30 Lunch

1:30-3:30 Intuitive Guidance and Energy Clearing

Receive direct guidance from your own guides and discover what it is you need to know. Our practitioner can access a council of guides, (hers and your own) and deliver their message to you to assist you in making sense of whatever is happening in your life and to make new choices if needed. Remove the veils between you and your guardians! Our practitioner follows the reading with energy work to clear any obstacles you may have that cause you to get stuck, assisting you in fully stepping forward on your own Heart Path with greater clarity and insight.

4:30-5:30 Integration

In the integration session the practitioner will assist you in connecting the dots between all of your sessions to ensure you have a deep understanding of your experience, a practice, skills and tools for taking powerful and positive next steps on your journey through life. The process of change will be explained so that you deeply understand how to step back onto your chosen path when you have seemingly fallen (or been pushed) off. You will depart fully empowered to implement the experiences, insights and lessons from your retreat into your everyday life. The integration session is designed to assist you in pulling all the pieces of your retreat together and ensuring that you have a clear practice for maintaining your strength and balance when you get home.

Day Seven

Free day to integrate and explore the island

Day Eight

Depart renewed, refreshed and ready to take the next steps in life’s journey

You may add additional days if you would like free time to explore, or more sessions.

Five days of sessions, 7 nights in private accommodations, a 4 hour Virtual Retreat Video Home study series and a 1-hour follow up session by phone or skype $4755 plus tax. Food and transportation are not included.

Call or email to check availability and for a free consultation to see if this is the best fit for you.

These retreats are educational in nature and are not a replacement for medical, psychological or psychiatric treatment. These retreats are designed to deepen your experience on Maui, and add meaning to your life. We are not psychologists or psychiatrists, nor doctors. We are educators, coaches, body workers, spiritual practitioners and certified experts in our fields. If you are experiencing neurological issues, addictions, eating disorders, have a diagnosis of a mental disorder or are suicidal, you would be better served by specialists in your community who can provide longer term care and continued maintenance.

Please inform us of any extenuating circumstances so that we can best be sure your needs are met.

To inquire about retreats, schedule appointments or get a free consultation on what would best serve you, call (808)243-7284

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