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808-243-PATH (7284) |

Why Choose Us?

There are a lot of retreat options out there, and we know that decision can be tough. We are here to help you through the decision! When trying to decide, let the information below assist you! Feel free to call as well. Eve is usually the one answering the phone and is happy to consult with you on the best fit for your situation!


Here are some reasons you should choose HPJ:

Personal Service and Expertise: Eve Hogan, Speaker, Author and Educator, is the owner of Heart Path Journeys. She watches over your experience from start to finish and is available, on site, to assist you. She has personally hand-picked every one of your practitioners to ensure excellence. Eve has 30 years of experience in the field of personal and spiritual growth, has a teaching credential and a Master’s Degree in Confluent Education. Because of her background as an educator, she understands the subtlety of sequence and timing in education. Thus, rather than a randomly ordered set of sessions, she makes sure your sessions are sequenced in the proper order to ensure your greatest understanding, unfolding, growth and healing.

Personalized, Customized and Flexible: One size does not fit all. We guide you to create a retreat to meet your exact set of needs based on your timeline, your interests, needs and budget. If you want a group retreat, we have that…if you want a private retreat, we will create one for you. If you want to substitute sessions in a pre-designed retreat package, no problem. Longer? Shorter? Absolutely. You can even come and “do your own thing” and just enjoy our retreat grounds without any sessions.

Affordable: We customize the retreat to meet your budget and offer a variety of services from $195 a day to a deluxe intensive. Sometimes people suggest retreats are too expensive, and yes, one-on-one personalized service is the most expensive way to get personal growth and wellness. That is why we offer so many options. You can join a group and get “more bang for your buck.” You can also do a “virtual retreat” with our 4 hour video series Soul-utions for Relationships for only $99. Eve has several other books as well for $14-20 and a Blog for free. Our goal is to help you and there are a multitude of ways to make that happen! The question isn’t so much “What does a retreat cost?” But rather, what would divorce cost? What does depression cost? What does being stuck or lacking clarity and or a lack of skills cost? The question is not “what is a retreat worth?” The question is: What are YOU worth? Let us know your budget and we will put something wonderful together for you.

We are REAL: Funny as that sounds, you’d be shocked how much in the “industry” of authenticity and personal growth is not, actually, real. Our pictures are real, taken on our property or on our retreats. Our property is located in REAL Hawaii…the rocks and streams are real. Every detail of your retreat is tended to by real people paying attention to your highest support.

Stunning Retreat Property! The Sacred Garden Retreat offers a beautiful peace garden, nursery, meditation gardens, walking labyrinths, library, gift store and picnic/sitting areas for you to enjoy. We have a seasonal stream in the back yard, fruit trees—papaya, coffee, mango, lychee, longan, macadamia nuts, avocado, tangerines, kumquats, lemons, grapefruit, oranges, jack fruit, bananas, and plantains to name a few—and tropical flowers—gardenia, haliconia, and ginger varieties. We are also growing Turmeric and exploring other medicinals.

Onsite Accommodations: We have charming accommodations for small groups, individuals and couples. Your accommodations are complete with kitchens or kitchenettes and all are located within minutes of restaurants and shops.

Safety: Hawaii is one of the safest places in the world to travel. Driving here is easy. Your accommodations, on a stunning gated property, will feel like you are in the middle of no where in a remote location but in actuality they are just 15 minutes from the airport on a gated property and minutes to activities, restaurants and shops. Eve and her husband are here to watch over you!

The Best Practitioners!  Eve is passionate about giving you the “A-team.” We have great practitioners with a wide range of expertise, in a multitude of modalities, and all have been personally chosen to match your needs.

We Work as a Team to Support You! With your permission, once we gather your “story” and circumstances, we share the relevant information with your personal team of practitioners so you don’t have to repeat your story over and over again, and so that valuable session time isn’t wasted on this process. Then, after each session, your practitioners will update the rest of the team on anything you shared that would help the team to support you and anything the practitioner shared with you so that we can reinforce, expand on, and deepen your understanding and application of the concepts. Your retreat sessions are sequenced for the best understanding, healing and growth and the dots are connected between practitioners to provide the deepest, most meaningful experience possible.

Results and Great Five Star Reviews! Don’t just believe us, read what some of our previous retreat guests have said about the experience. Call and ask questions. We are happy to do everything in our power to ensure you are comfortable and confident in your choice to step into your own Heart Path Journey!


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